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"Basic nursing" course examination outline of nursing specialty in Jingchu Institute of technology

"basic nursing" is one of the main courses of nursing specialty in Colleges and universities, and is also the core professional basic course of nursing specialty. The purpose of the course examination is to investigate the students" mastery of basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills, and to apply the knowledge of "basic nursing" to clinical nursing practice, and to assess their ability to analyze and solve problems. The assessment requirements of this course are divided into four levels from low to high: understanding, familiar, mastering and learning. "Understanding" refers to students" understanding of some other subjects related to nursing; "familiarity" refers to students" understanding of the contents required to be familiar with (including the purpose, significance and influencing factors of nursing operation); and "Mastering" refers to the knowledge points that students must understand and remember (including nursing measures, operation steps, precautions, etc.) )"Learning" is the goal of skills. Because of the strong practicality of this course, especially the cultivation of students" practical ability, students are required to strengthen the assessment of skills. 3. Examination method and time

1. Examination method: school unified examination, closed book written test and operation examination.

2. Scoring method: the full score of the 100 point system is 100 points. Because the course is taught in two semesters, it is divided into 100 points in Chapters 1 to 9, 100 points in chapters 10 to 17, and 200 points in total. 3. Examination time: 90 minutes (according to the course)

4. The guiding ideology and principle of the proposition

to comprehensively examine the students" learning, understanding and mastering of the basic theory, basic knowledge and basic skills of the course as the guiding ideology of the proposition. The principle of the written test is that the number of questions is large and the scope is wide. The most basic knowledge generally accounts for about 60%. The slightly flexible topics account for about 20%. The more difficult questions account for about 20%. Objective topics account for about 60%. (1) explanation of nouns (5 sub questions in total, 3 points in each sub question, 15 points in total)

(2) fill in the blanks (10 questions in total, 2 points in each sub question, 20 points in total). Fill in the answer on the line in the blank (3) multiple choice questions (20 questions in total, 1 point in each sub question, 20 points in total). Only one of the four options given in each subitem meets the requirements of the topic.) Calculation and proof questions (this big question has 5 small questions, 35 points. It is required to write the necessary text description and calculation steps.) (4) judge and correct mistakes (5 sub questions in total, 2 points in each sub question, 10 points in total). (5) short answer questions (3 sub questions in total, 5 points in each sub question, 15 points in total)

(6) discussion questions (2 sub questions in total, 10 points in each sub question, 20 points in total)

can be adjusted according to different courses. The operation assessment will draw and sign the operation items. Chapter 1 Introduction: this part is about 5 points

1. Master the three main stages and characteristics of modern nursing development. Master the main contribution of Nightingale to nursing science. Master the concept of nursing and its important responsibilities. Familiar with the characteristics and work scope of nursing specialty and the quality requirements of nurses. Familiar with the history of nursing development. To understand the development trend of contemporary international nursing and the main direction and strategy of nursing development in China. 7.

Chapter II environment the score of this part is about 5 points

1. Master the requirements of the physical environment of the hospital. 2. Learn how to lay the quilt type spare bed, temporary empty bed and anesthesia bed. 3. 4. Be familiar with the contents of hospital social environment. Familiar with the relationship between environment and nursing. 6. Understand the basic equipment of the patient unit.

Chapter 3 nursing care for patients on admission and discharge. The score of this part is about 4 points

1. Master the applicable objects and nursing contents of graded nursing. Master the methods and precautions of transporting patients in wheelchairs and flatcars, and be able to carry patients safely. Familiar with the initial nursing of patients after entering the ward. Familiar with the nursing of discharged patients. Understand the application of human mechanics in nursing operation. Chapter 4 comfort and safety. The score of this part is about 8 points

2. Master the types and methods of common lying position. To master the concept of pain, nursing principles and measures of pain. Master the purpose, method and precautions of protector and auxiliary device. Learn how to help patients change their position. Familiar with the principle of nursing uncomfortable patients. Familiar with the impact of pain on individuals and pain assessment. Familiar with common unsafe factors in hospital. 10. 11. Chapter V Prevention and control of hospital infection. The score of this part is about 25 points

1. Master the concepts of hospital infection, cleaning, disinfection, sterilization, aseptic technology, sterile goods, non sterile articles, sterile area, non sterile area and isolation. Master the types and methods of physical disinfection and sterilization. Master the operation principle of aseptic technology. 4. Learn seven step washing technique, aseptic technique operation method, use of mask and hat, and put on and take off isolation clothes. Disinfectants < / 5, the use of chemical principles and principles. Familiar with the daily cleaning, disinfection and sterilization of the hospital. Familiar with isolation types and measures. Understand the risk classification of medical supplies. Understand the division of isolation area and isolation requirements. Understand the layout of supply room. The score of this part is about 15 points

1. To master the preventive measures, staging and corresponding treatment and nursing of pressure ulcer. 3. To master the causes of pressure ulcers, and to evaluate the susceptible population, risk factors and vulnerable sites. Learn special oral care methods. 5. Learn to wash in bed and back care. Familiar with oral evaluation and oral health guidance. 7. Be familiar with the key points of washing hair in bed and the method of killing head lice. They should be familiar with the evaluation of patients" skin and health guidance, and the assistance methods of shower or bath. 9. Understand the evaluation and cleaning care of hair. Understand the nursing evaluation and cleaning care of perineum. 11. Understand the content of morning and evening care

Chapter 7 rest and activity, which accounts for about 3 points

1. Understand the content of activity evaluation. 2. Familiar with the evaluation of sleep and the types of sleep disorders. 3. Be familiar with activity types and ROM practice guidance. Master the rest conditions and sleep physiological cycle characteristics. In Chapter 8, the definition of fever and in the assessment of fever and score of vital signs were and in Chapter 8. Master the normal value of body temperature and judge the degree of fever. To master the nursing measures of patients with high fever. Learn how to measure body temperature. Learn how to clean, disinfect and check the thermometer. Master the normal range of pulse and respiration. Master the nursing of patients with dyspnea. Learn how to measure and record pulse and breath, be responsible and realistic. Master the normal range and physiological changes of blood pressure. Learn how to measure and record blood pressure. Learn how to give oxygen through nasal catheter and nasal obstruction. 12. Master the precautions and monitoring contents of oxygen therapy. 13, learn various techniques to assist patients with expectoration, and achieve a serious attitude and standardized operation. Be familiar with the abnormal changes of pulse, and explain the concepts of rapid pulse, slow pulse, intermittent pulse and dull pulse. 15. Be familiar with the abnormal changes of breathing and explain: rapid / slow breathing, tidal / intermittent / deep breathing, dyspnea, snoring / cicada like breathing. Familiar with the following terms: hypertension, borderline hypertension and hypotension. Familiar with the classification of hypertension. Familiar with the indications of oxygen therapy and the type of hypoxia. Familiar with the calculation of oxygen quantity, available time and oxygen concentration. Familiar with common heat types, fever process and clinical manifestations. Understand the structure and function of oxygen device. Chapter 9 cold and heat therapy method, the score of this part is about 10 points 。

1. Master the concept of cold and hot therapy and secondary effect. Learn the methods of ice bag, cold wet compress, warm water bath, alcohol bath, hot water bag, baking lamp, hot wet compress and hot water sitz bath. Familiar with the effect of cold and heat therapy. Objective to understand the factors affecting the effect of cold and heat therapy. Chapter 10 diet and nutrition the score of this part is about 15 points

1. Master the relationship between nutrition and disease recovery. Master the types of hospital diet, the scope of application of basic diet and dietary principles. 3. To master the way and indication of tube feeding and health education of nasogastric feeding. Learn the operation method of nasal feeding. Familiar with the types, application scope, principles and methods of therapeutic diet and experimental diet. 7, familiar with the assessment of dietary status, assessment of physical condition, assessment of auxiliary examination. 8, understand the element diet; parenteral diet. Understand the importance of nutrition to human health. Chapter 11 excretion, the score of this part is about 10 points

1, master the nursing of abnormal urination and defecation. Familiar with the evaluation of urination and defecation. Understand the anatomy and physiology related to urination and defecation. Learn the nursing techniques related to urination: catheterization, indwelling catheterization and bladder irrigation. Learn the nursing techniques related to defecation: large amount of non retention enema, small amount of non retention enema, retention enema, simple defecation method, anal exhaust method. Chapter 12 drug therapy and allergy test method the score of this part is about 25 points

1. Master the principle of administration and injection; preparation before injection; intradermal injection; subcutaneous injection; intramuscular injection; intravenous injection. Master the purpose, preparation and steps of various inhalation methods. 3. Master penicillin allergy test and allergic reaction treatment; streptomycin allergy test and allergic reaction treatment; tetanus antitoxin allergy test and desensitization injection method. Learn oral administration, intradermal injection; subcutaneous injection; intramuscular injection; intravenous injection. Learn how to prepare skin test solutions such as penicillin, streptomycin, tetanus antitoxin and so on. To be familiar with the types, receiving and keeping of drugs; the route of administration; the times and time of administration; and the factors influencing the action of drugs. Familiar with the content of health education. 8. Be familiar with the precautions of various inhalation methods


